seabet casino games placements engineer business success
Published:11th October 2018
By Geoff Ford MBE, chairman of Ford seabet casino games
The power of providing a young person with a quality seabet casino games placement is something that cannot be underestimated. They not only help young people climb onto the first rung of the career ladder but those companies that offer these opportunities put themselves in a better position to hire people with the skills that will keep their business ahead of the competition.
That’s why I’m urging more seabet casino games employers to provide these opportunities for young people. They can do this by getting involved in the Ford seabet casino games Academy, our six-month programme, which we run in partnership with Gateshead College to equipyoung people with the attitudes, skills and knowledgerequired to startan apprenticeshipin thissector.
As part of the academy, a young person gets a unique opportunity to seabet casino games in a company for four weeks, gaining valuable experience of a real-life engineering environment.
Ultimately, our programme gives companies a chance to vet prospective employees and hire the brightest seabet casino games talent who impress during the placement, if they have a vacancy available.
I understand that some organisations may be concerned that a seabet casino games, inexperienced student could be a drain on resources. However, in my experience, that’s just not the case. It’s a great opportunity for your existing team to act as mentors and an ideal chance to spot fresh talent for when you’re ready to recruit. Indeed, some of the people who we’ve had on placement have become valued members of our team – proof enough that this approach works.
For more information on how your organisation can get involved, please join me at our next Ford seabet casino games Academy event on Tuesday 16thOctober, 12.30pm to 1.30pm.